Live Barn Play of the Week
NE EDGE 2010

Despite coming out on the losing end, 2010 NE Edge goaltender Lucas Lilly makes an unbelievable stick save to take away a goal.

Submit Your Play of Week!

You can now submit your highlights directly to E9 & BHL for consideration as our Play of the Week! 

  1. Locate the play via On Demand and pause at the end of the highlight (usually after the celly!).
  2. Tap screen to show video controls (on iOS App - otherwise, on browser the arrow always visible and located just above the media player).
  3. Tap/click download arrow.
  4. Clip will save to photos or downloads.
  5. Attach clip to form below and provide the required information.

You can choose between pano/tracked for your highlight submission.  To see if dual mode is available, look for the right-side blue arrow on the media viewer on the app and tap to expand – available feeds will be blue & white.  On a browser, you will see the option to change modes above the media player window.  Most weekday games are panoramic-only, weekend games are dual mode.

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